Get In Line: The Word vs.The World

When the world tells us to get in line, it means get behind a bunch of people all trying to get to the same place. There might be clawing, backbiting, deception, frustration or weariness, as folks wait for their chance to shine. In such stressful circumstances, people become restless and insecure–sizing up those around them to see how they rank. And we know that comparing ourselves to others often leads to envy, covetousness, selfishness, strife, feelings of worthlessness and bitterness, among other ugly fleshly emotions.

On the other hand, when Our Heavenly Father says get in line, it means something totally different. It means trust in Him, surrender to Him, obey Him, praise Him, study His Word and heed the Ruah HaQodesh (Holy Spirit). It is a comfort to know that getting in line with Our Father has nothing to do with comparing our selves with others, or competing with anyone else. Everyone has something to do for the Kingdom, something he especially created YOU to do! We as believers do not have to wait for a chance to shine. Instead, as vessels, we cast away our selfish desires so we can be filled with the Ruah and Our Heavenly Father can shine through us!

But as it is written, ‘Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man the things which Elohim has prepared for those who love Him.’

1 Corinthians 2: 9 NKJV

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